The Bushfire Resilience and Energy Efficiency home retrofit program supports households to protect their home from bushfires, improve their comfort and health in summer during heatwaves, and reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs.
Measuring the resilience of the built environment, from national, state and community levels, to the individual household level, enables markets, industry and governments to recognise and reward effective action.
Our pilot program produced the world’s first whole of mortgage resilience discount. This means that we can create tangible financial value and significant social benefits.
How much does it cost to retrofit a home?
The cost of retrofitting is different for every home. Older homes in higher bushfire risk areas and with older appliances are likely to be more expensive to upgrade. Costs can vary from $5,000 to $50,000.
A home upgraded for bushfire resilience and energy efficiency can provide lifetime cost savings because:
Energy efficiency reduces energy consumption and bills, benefitting households, the economy and the environment
Bushfire resilient materials are usually low maintenance and have a longer lifecycle, saving households cost on maintaining and replacing materials
Avoiding the home being destroyed or damaged in a bushfire reduces the cost of repairs and re-building following a disaster, ensuring that people can return home quickly
Certified bushfire resilient and energy efficient homes provide a platform to enable governments and industry to recognise and reward best-practice resilient homes, saving households money in lending and insurance fees
Register your interest
Register your interest to learn more about upgrading your home for disaster resilience.
Supported by the Australian federal government and industry leaders in insurance, banking and supply chains.