Free architectural plans and handbooks to help residents build better
The RBC developed the FORTIS project in response to calls for help from community members struggling to re-build their homes and lives in disaster-prone areas. The number of people asking for help is rapidly increasing as disasters become more frequent, intense and widespread.
The project has delivered house designs and a set of building principles for extreme weather and disaster resilience, sustainability, self-sufficiency and quality. FORTIS sets a new benchmark for better building to protect people, homes, communities and the environment – no matter where you live.
FORTIS – created by the community, for the community
The FORTIS House project provides free architectural drawings, specifications, and handbooks to make it easier and more affordable for Australians to build sustainable houses that are resilient to bushfires, floods, storms, heatwaves, cyclones, mould, and pests.
The world first community-led resilient house design has been developed by the Shoalhaven community in NSW, supported by technical experts to help other Australians avoid the heartache of losing their home.
FORTIS House is a Resilient Building Council project supported by NRMA Insurance and the Shoalhaven City Council. The FORTIS team is a collaboration of Australia’s leading independent resilience scientists, engineers and architects.