Bushfire Resilience Rating Certification

The Bushfire Resilience Rating has been developed by Australia’s leading bushfire resilience experts through a collaboration led by the Resilient Building Council (RBC), funded by the Australian Government’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and industry sponsors, and co-designed with community members around Australia.

The Resilience Ratings Scheme is voluntary and private, it is up to households whether they want to share their rating with participating insurers or banks to access incentives. RBC protects personal information and does not share data with third parties, unless households instruct us to do so. You can access RBC’s Privacy Policy to learn more about how your data is handled and your privacy is protected.

Insurers and banks will require your self-assessed Resilience Rating to be certified by RBC Fire Safety Engineers, before providing you with benefits. Certification is valid for 3 years from the date the certification is completed.

Certification is usually $220, however currently a group of fire safety engineers are voluntarily providing their time to certify Ratings and help households access benefits.

Participating Insurers:

For certified Ratings 3 stars and above:


• NRMA Insurance – Ph 132 132

• Suncorp Insurance – Ph 13 11 55

• AAMI Insurance – 13 22 44

• GIO Insurance – 13 10 10

• Apia Insurance – 13 50 50

• Shannons Insurance – 13 46 46

Participating Banks:

NAB mortgage discount pilot – for information contact our team via

Step 1

If you haven’t already, complete the Bushfire Resilience Rating Home Assessment.

At the end of the Self-Assessment, click ‘Email my report’. The Bushfire Resilience Rating Report is free and provides recommended actions to improve your current Rating.

Step 2

If you’re ready to certify your rating immediately, go to Step 3.

Otherwise, update your answers in the self-assessment app as you complete recommended tasks. Click ‘Get my Rating’ in the app to update your rating and report. This is an important step because your rating may have improved, and you should certify your best possible rating to access the maximum benefits available to you.

Step 3

Take photos of your home, ensuring you capture a photo of each side of the house, surrounding vegetation, attached structures like decks and carports, windows and doors, power and water services, vents and any building penetrations, openings or gaps, other buildings within 10 metres of the home and items stored around the home.

You will need to provide photos to show that your roof is in good condition, fully sealed with no gaps. This is an important piece of evidence because of the vulnerability of the roof to bushfire attack, and is a requirement to ensure the validity of your rating. There are many examples of new roofs with gaps or openings that need to be sealed.

You will see instructions for each type of photo in the form below. If you have any questions about the evidence required to certify your rating, contact our team at and we can support you.

Step 4

Complete the form below and upload the evidence required. You can add more than one image in each section, as well as videos and documents.

Our assessors will review your home assessment results and evidence, to validate your results. We may require a video call to check some elements more closely.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of your roof, and any relevant documents relating to resilient items or materials used. You can add more than one image. If you can't safely take photos of your roof yourself, you may need to ask a builder or trade to confirm its condition and supply you with the required photos. Households with single storey homes have often been able to take photos using a selfie stick, others have used a drone.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of each side of your home (if feasible and safe to access).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of the vegetation next to and surrounding your home. Provide some images from a distance to show proximity of vegetation to the home.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of the structures attached to your home, including pergolas, verandahs, carports, garages, decks, steps, horizontal ledges, gates, trellises, vertical posts.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of every external window and door, and any relevant documents detailing the materials, glazing, screens, shutters and seals. Include garage doors.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of any items supplying power or water services to the home, showing where these penetrate the home, and any relevant documents.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of vents, openings, gaps, and the ember mesh or seals that are protecting them.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos showing the areas within 10 metres of your home, to demonstrate whether or not there are neighbouring buildings and stored items, and what distance they are from the home.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach photos of additional bushfire protection measures, and any relevant documents, if applicable.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach your Bushfire Resilience Rating Report here.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 100 files.
Attach any other reports or documents that are relevant here, such as a BAL report.

Reminder: It is up to you whether you would like to provide your Resilience Rating and Report to your insurer and bank. RBC does not share your Resilience Rating or any information you provide, without your explicit consent.

All personal information is handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and RBC’s Privacy Policy. Contact us with any questions at